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Way of the Peaceful Warrior A Book That Changes Lives Dan Millman 8580001048635 Books

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Way of the Peaceful Warrior A Book That Changes Lives Dan Millman 8580001048635 Books

Truly an amazing book for those in a self discovery phase of their lives. This book is a super simple and quick read giving the illusion that it isn't filled with wisdom that will resonate with you for years to come. Nothing could be further from the truth. Beautifully written in a way that almost anyone can relate to, the book does an excellent job of opening your mind and helping you realize that wherever you are is okay. In the vein of many Buddhist texts, the idea is to be in the moment so that you can fully appreciate your life (gross oversimplification but you get the point) but instead of Dan Millman just preaching this to you, he tells a beautiful story through the eyes of a college gymnast who thinks he has it all figured out. This college gymnast happens upon a man named Socrates who very quickly informs him that he doesn't know anything. Socrates then goes on to teach him many lessons on happiness and how to be in life for real deep fulfillment and it is a story that may very well leave you in tears. The book is fantastic, just do yourself a favor and read it.

Read Way of the Peaceful Warrior A Book That Changes Lives Dan Millman 8580001048635 Books

Tags : Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives [Dan Millman] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div> Way of the Peaceful Warrior</i> is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete,Dan Millman,Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives,HJ Kramer,1932073205,General,Millman, Dan,Mind and body.,Spiritual life,Spiritual life.,APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT General,Body, Mind & Spirit,Body, Mind & SpiritGeneral,Canada,General Adult,Inspirational,InspirationalDevotional,Life You Were Born to Live; Heart of the Shaman; Magic Mala; Hidden School; Warrior; Way of the warrior kid; Celestine Prophecy; Dan Millman; Peaceful warrior; Inspiration and spirituality; Meditation,Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice,Mind, body, spirit: disciplines & techniques,Movie TV Tie-Ins,New Age,Non-Fiction,RELIGION Inspirational,ReligionSpirituality,SELF-HELP Personal Growth Success,SPIRITUAL HEALING,Spirituality - General

Way of the Peaceful Warrior A Book That Changes Lives Dan Millman 8580001048635 Books Reviews

I’ve waited too long to give this book a review. It is a book I have already read two times and will read again soon. More about mindset, and I love how the author gives you a journey as if it were you (well it was him) from being a “untamed” mind, into someone who has the discipline to “control their life and outlook”. So many of us are sitting back waiting for things to come to us, and complaining about our lives.

Wish more people would read this book, on a regular basis I think of myself in the shoes of the main character in the book and try to develop my mindset to be more in control and positive of the situation.
"You've learned body control and even some mind control, but your heart has not yet opened. Your goal is not invulnerability, but vulnerability - to the the world, to life, and therefore, to the Presence you felt." (p. 184)

"Life demands right action if knowledge is to come alive." (p.30)

I read this book right before Brene Brown's Daring Greatly and Barbara Fredrickson's Love 2.0. Each book is centered on opening ourselves up to the possibility of more showing up, getting engaged and being ready to grow and learn. I have vastly benefitted from these works the confirm that a spiritual practice is required for true success. See Wooden for the best known definition of success.
I think if you like Paulo Coelho's books, you will like this one. I am not crazy about Paulo Coelho's books so i am also not that crazy about this one. I don't object to a parable, but i don't like the supernatural element in self-reflection books because then they become useless to non-believers in supernatural. Further, the story involves a lot of discussions between the protagonist and his spiritual guide, but the actual text in the book covers, what to my perception, is a very small sample of the discussions. By missing what the rest are, you have no idea why some discussions are picked are others not. That also does not help to the perception of time in the story. Sometimes, because of the writing, i got the feeling that a lot of time has passed between two conversations between the main characters, but then it turned out that it was just a week. Other times, i felt that it was a relatively short time, but it turned out that it was several weeks, like for instance, when the protagonist breaks his ankle.
The bottom line is that this is a self help book advocating mindfulness and written in the form of a novel. But in the style, you have much better writing, for instance in Yann Martel's books, and in terms of internal journey, you have more insightful or moving journeys in the books of Jon Krakauer.
So, i had expected better and came out disappointed.
Almost a whimsical introduction to the academic and theological field of 'mindfulness,' a concept as ancient as Buddhism and as modern as modern cognitive psychology.
It has lots of moments that are pop culture and pop psychology but those are overshadowed by the powerful presentation of the concepts and the moments of valuable story-telling.
A good, formidable, worthwhile read, especially if you're the kind of person who likes to play at reflection and 'light' philosophy.
A great book that more people should read. It's the Rich Dad Poor Dad of spirituality and self-development. Easy to read and really makes you understand age old concepts that are looked as woo woo in modern society but probably shouldn't be forgotten so easily.
This is one of the must-reads of the self-awareness and empowerment movement. It is the story of a champion college athlete who stumbles across a man who teaches him the tai-chi principle of non-resistance Don't fight what comes your way, use it. The story spends much of the time in a reality most of us don’t live in very often, if at all, so accept what you want and see the rest as teaching stories. But it's a fascinating and informing story in any event.
Entertaining and super enlightening. Millman has a way of storytelling that keeps your interest and makes you feel like you are right in the middle of the story as if it were real-life. I had heard about the movie and watched it first. I personally enjoyed it and then when I told a friend about it, he got a serious look on his face and said, "You HAVE to read the book. It changed my life." I knew he meant it. The subtitle "A Book That Changes Lives," is true. It's just a magical book. You must check it out.
Truly an amazing book for those in a self discovery phase of their lives. This book is a super simple and quick read giving the illusion that it isn't filled with wisdom that will resonate with you for years to come. Nothing could be further from the truth. Beautifully written in a way that almost anyone can relate to, the book does an excellent job of opening your mind and helping you realize that wherever you are is okay. In the vein of many Buddhist texts, the idea is to be in the moment so that you can fully appreciate your life (gross oversimplification but you get the point) but instead of Dan Millman just preaching this to you, he tells a beautiful story through the eyes of a college gymnast who thinks he has it all figured out. This college gymnast happens upon a man named Socrates who very quickly informs him that he doesn't know anything. Socrates then goes on to teach him many lessons on happiness and how to be in life for real deep fulfillment and it is a story that may very well leave you in tears. The book is fantastic, just do yourself a favor and read it.
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